Please note that China Blue is no longer ours, since December 2022. Our new boat is Paradox of Plym, her stories will be published when there will be enough interesting material.
I developped a passion for junk rigs and became a member of the Junk Rig Association (the JRA) after having “accidentally” read Eric Andlauer’s translation of Roger Taylor’s book “Ming-Ming and the Art of minimalist ocean sailing”. At that time there was an advert in the Swap, Sell or Buy area of the JRA website, for a junk rigged schooner named China Blue. Back then, in 2017, I didn’t have the money nor the time and this boat remained a recurrent dream.
Last year in 2020, after my retirement and having put a little money aside, I found out China Blue had not been sold and I decided to go for it.
Mais il est très beau ce bateau!!!les rêves ,c’est bien de les réaliser, et semble-t-il Patrick c’est vraiment un rêve que tu réalises là!!
Félicitations pour ta détermination,bon vent pour tout ce qui reste à venir
Tes amis Jean et Mireille
Merci Mimi et Jean, et bravo, vous êtes les premiers à avoir mis un commentaire! (peut-être les derniers? 🙂 )
Hello Patrick sympa de nous faire vivre tes rêves. Tres belle aventure. Alors maintenant “will you cross the Atlantic ocean ??”. Hâte de vous voir tous les 2 et aussi china blue ! Cyrille and Pauline
Hello les Gwadas!
Traverser vers les Antilles, c’est toujours possible et certainement prévu, mais nous voulons d’abord rendre à China Blue sa beauté passée, et puis, il y a encore tant à découvrir ici!
Bisous, Patrick & Gina
Very pretty boat! The sails are the same colour as ours on Paradox,
Our sails were made by Scanes, so maybe yours are too?